Belfast Daily Mercury - Wednesday, 27 February 1856


On the 20th inst., at Belfast, the wife of Major-General Gough, C.d., Commanding the Northern District, of a daughter.

On the 22d instant, at Waringfield, Mrs. Waring, of a daughter.

On the 24th instant, at Tyne-cottage, Whiteabbey, Mrs. John Hunter, of a daughter.

On the 17th instant, at Ardcarne, Ballinasloe, the wife of Capt. Bell, of a son.

On the 24th instant, at Ballybrack, Killinchy, Mrs. Laurence Waldron, of a daughter.

On the 21st instant, at Strokestown, County Roscommon, Mrs. Thomas Lloyd, of a son.


On the 19th instant, at St. Peter's Church, Dublin, by Rev. A. Pollock, A.M., John H. Jephson, Esq. M.D., late 49th Regiment, youngest son of the late John Jephson, Esq., of Dublin, to Margaret, daughter of the late Wm. Gray, Esq., of Graymount, County Antrim.


On the 26th instant, at her late residence, 30, Talbot-street, Elizabeth, relict of the late Mr. John Wharton, aged 74. Her remains will be removed for interment in Shankhill Burying-ground, on to-morrow (Thursday), at nine o'clock precisely.

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On the 24th instant, at Ardmoulin-house, Eleanor, relict of the late Alexander Charters, Antrim, aged 88 years.

On the 24th instant, at Dunmanway, of a violent attack of bronchitis, John Hall, Esq., Poor-law Inspector.

On the 18th instant, at Camperdown, Henry William, son of William Douglas, aged 1 year and 11 months.

On the 23d instant, at Little Donegall-street, Belfast, Mrs. Duncan.


Shipping Intelligence.


At this port on the 26th instant, the Pomona, Henrichsen, from Alexandria; the Sarah and Isabella, Chisolm, from Syra; also four colliers.

At Messina, on the 12th instant, the Faugh-a-Ballagh, Gray, from Terranova.

At Constantinople, on the 11th instant, the Ann Ingate, Holmes, from Dublin; and the Coriolanna, Dunn, from Kamlesch.

Ay Mogador, on the 10th ultimo, the Arrow, M'Lean, from London.


From this port, on the 25th instant, the Oscar (ss), Carter, for Sligo; The Mary Jane, Dalzell, for Cardiff.

From the Clyde, on the 21st instant, the Fortitude, M'Donald, for Ceylon and Moulmein.

[For the sailing of steamers from Belfast, see the announcements of their respective agents, &c., in our first page.]

[By Magnetic Telegraph.]
Wind -- N.


The Leonidas, Gilka, from Athens -- the Orion, Stephens, from South Shields, leaky, for Bermuda -- Vivid Light, Blanchard, from Cardenas.


No London of foreign arrivals of inward bound.


Fowey, Feb. 24. -- The Emerald, from Liverpool for Dorset; on the 18th, the Jane Josephine, for Liverpool.


BELL's CIRCUS. -- The amusements at this circus have attracted very large crowds since its opening, and the performances have, unquestionably, been of a superior character. Mr. Bell has added to his troupe some very clever athletes since his last visit to Belfast, and in the equestrian department the feats of a young lady performer rarely fail to elicit hearty rounds of applause. Visitors to the circus will recognise, among the principal performers, some well-known faces. The new ones are numerous, and the juvenile section especially has been largely replenished. A diminutive clown produced roars of laughter last evening, by his remarkable quaintness and drolleries.

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The members of Belfast Lodge of Odd Fellows have succeeded, through the exertions of J. W. Beck, Esq., M.D., treasurer to the district, in obtaining the certificate of the Registrar of Friendly Societies in Ireland to their rules. The Belfast Lodge is now a legalised body, and it is expected that the other lodges in the district will soon follow their example by having their laws duly registered.

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INLAND REVENUE PROSECUTION. -- On the 22d February, ay Killileagh, before a full bench of magistrates, Mr. James Carse, a resident of the neighbourhood of Killinchy, was convicted in the penalty of £20, mitigated to £5, for sporting without a license. The case for the Crown was conducted by Mr. Evan Cameron, collector of Inland Revenue, Belfast.

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NEWTOWNARDS LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. -- The public meeting of the Society, in the East-street National School-house, on Wednesday evening, the 20th instant, at eighto'clock, an essay on "Magna Charta," was read by W. Shepherd, Esq., Belfast. The essay, which was evidently the result of much research, brought before the meeting, in the most lucid manner, the history and nature of the great charter of British liberty. A vote of thanks was was cordially tendered to Mr. Shepherd for his kindness in favouring the audience with such a rich intellectual treat. -- Correspondent.

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BODY FOUND. -- The body of an infant was found in a field, in the neighbourhood of Ballymacarrett, by Robt. Campbell, a rag-gatherer, on Monday evening. He told the circumstance to Head-Constable M'Intire, at the Police Barracks, who had the remains brought there. An inquest will be held today before Mr. Ward, coroner for the district, to-day. The body was evidently prematurely born.

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THE SAINTFIELD MURDER. -- The murderers of an old woman, Mary Withers, reported in yesterday's paper, have been made amenable to justice. On Saturday evening, a young woman, who was lately married to a person called West, offered a quantity of butter for sale in Saintfield, at 10d per ib. It being generally known that she could not have come honestly by the butter, coupled with the fact that it was proffered for sale at 3d per lb. less than the market price, suspicion was created, and Constable Phelan was informed of the circumstance. Accompanied by one of his men, the constable proceeded to the woman's house, in Downpatrick-street, and on searching the premises, he found an apron, pocket, and veil, and a purse, belonging to the deceased. He also discovered £4 11s; and, as the murdered woman was known to have had some money in her possession at the time of her death, the circumstance confirmed his suspicions. He took Mrs. West into custody. This woman has since turned approver, and stated, that on Saturday evening, when she went into the shop of the deceased to purchase milk, she found her sister, Burns, sitting there. After remaining some time, they concocted, and jointly executed, the murder. Sergeant Phelan at once arrested the other woman. They were brought before the coroner yesterday, at the adjourned inquest, when the above facts were deposed to. The prisoners hitherto bore a bad character in the neighbourhood, and were in poor circumstances.

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THE MELANCHOLY CASE OF ACCIDENTAL POISONING AT NEWRY. -- FURTHER PARTICULARS. -- A painful anxiety was created in town yesterday, about eleven o'clock, by a rumour that Captain Aquilla Howe Kent, of the 4th Lancashire Militia, had met his death by poison, administered to him by mistake. Inquiry soon confirmed the distressing report. It appears that Captain Kent, who had been for some time talking tonic drafts, though in general good health, obtained, about a month since, a prescription from his physician, Sir Henry Marsh, of Dublin, which he sent, by his servant, to the establishment of Dr. Connor, Druggist, of Hill-street, a fortnight since, and received, together with the written prescription, a bottle containing a mixture which he had been in the habit of taking. Last Saturday evening, Captain Kent directed his servant to go to Dr. Connor's and get the mixture made up similar to the one which he had previously got, deceased giving him at the same time the bottle, but without giving him Sir Henry Marsh's prescription. The servant delivered the message to Dr. Connor's on, Mr. Samuel Townley Connor, from whom he had received the first bottle. Mr. Connor referred to the file to discover the prescription first compounded, but could not find the paper; whereupon another assistant told Mr. Connor that he knew what it was, and repeated him something, which the servant did not comprehend. The servant then left the shop and called in again, about twenty minutes after, and received from Mr. Connor a bottle, which he delivered to his master. The latter did not partake of it till yesterday morning, but half-past eight, and he soon after became very ill. It became at once apparent that he had taken poison, which turned out to be a preparation of aconite; and though every effort was made by the surgeon and assistant-surgeon to neutralise the effects of the poison, by the administration of antidotes, the unfortunate gentleman died about 20 minutes past ten. It will be recollected that it was by the accidental use of the root, monkshood, mistaken for horse-radish, of which aconite is the essence, that the late fearful catastrophe at Kirkwall was occasioned. An inquest was commenced on the body, yesterday, before Mr. J. M. Magee, coroner, and, after the examination of two witnesses, it was adjourned until this day, at twelve o'clock. We shall report the proceedings in our next. Captain Kent, who was about 43 years old, was a native of Dublin, and was, we understand, a member of the Irish bar. -- Newry Telegraph.

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IRISHMEN IN THE COMMISSARIAT. -- THE CONSTABULARY. -- We (Waterford News) take the following paragraph from the report of Sir John M'Neill, and Colonel Tulloch, which speaks in high terms of Mr. Power, of the Commissariat, who served many years in the constabulary of this country. We learn that he has since received a high appointment in the Turkish Commissariat:-- "The purely executive duties of the department appear to be well performed. The officers attached to divisions and brigades are generally intelligent and efficient, and several of them are men of considerable capacity. The generals commanding divisions and brigades, with few exceptions, expressed their satisfaction with the exertions and services of those officers, and used terms of high commendation in speaking of some of them, especially of Mr. Power, attached to the second division, who was absent on duty, and whom we, therefore, did not see." [The Waterford News makes a slight mistake about Mr. Power. The individual referred to in the M'Neill-Tulloch report is Mr. Wm. Tyrone Power, eldest son of the late Tyrone Power, who was lost some years ago in the President steamer, on her passage from New York to England. Lord Melbourne, who was at that period Prime Minister, presented Mr. Power with the appointment in the Commissariat, in recognition of his father's talents as an accomplished actor. The allusion to the Turkish appointment has its origin, doubtless, in the fact of Mr. Power having been sent, by the Commander-in-Chief, on a special mission to Turkey, to make arrangements as to disposing of the large quantities of provisions, &c., at present in the Crimea. Mr. Power holds rank as Assistant-Commissary-General to the forces.]

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THE ACCIDENT TO THE IRISH STEAMER IN ENNISKILLEN. -- LIVERPOOL, MONDAY. -- The Londonderry and Liverpool paddle steamer, Enniskillen, Captain Johnston, which went ashore on Manghold-head, Isle of Man, in a fog, and was subsequently got off and taken into Ramsay harbour, was brought here to-day, and will get a thorough overhaul in the graving-dock.

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Her Majesty has been pleased to extend her mercy to the convict Charles Broadfoot Westron, against whom sentence of death was recorded, on condition that he be kept in penal servitude for his natural life.


DROGHEDA, FEB. 22. -- The following grand jury were this day sworn in for fiscal business by William Horan, Esq., Clerk of the Crown:-- James Matthews, Esq., J.P., foreman; John Gradwell, J.P.; William Carines, J.P.; Francis Leland, John Chadwick, J.P.; Edward Atkinson, J.P.; Peter M'Evoy, Thomas Hammond, Patrick Casey, William Boylan, Patrick Boylan, James M'Cann, Jun., Thomas Daly, Anthony Keappock, Robt. Edward Ellis, Joseph Gargan, John M'Can, Bernard Kelly, George Knaggs, H. Greene, James Jeffers, P. Byrne (Dyer-street), P. Byrne, (West-street), and Robt. Bedford Daly, Esqrs.


FATAL ACCIDENT FROM DRUNKENNESS. -- On Saturday an inquest was held at the North Infirmary, before Mr. Coroner Jones, on the body of a man named Michael Quirk, belonging to Queenstown. From the evidence it appeared that on last Monday he was employed as watchman on board the barque Maria, of Halifax, which lay outside Mr. Wheeler's dock, on the Lower Glanmire-road, for repairs, and that, while in a state of drunkenness, he fell overboard, and his head coming in contact with a plank which lay alongside, his skull was fractured. He was removed to the North Infirmary, where he died on Friday. A verdict was returned in accordance with the facts. -- Cork Reporter.


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